James Osborn - Publications
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Book launched Tuesday 6th August, Darkroom Espresso, Swindon, Wilts
By James Osborn
Nanook the Bipolarbear is a bear in chaos… Riding the icy waves of Bipolar Affective Disorder and barely coping with the stress of everyday life. Nanook has been in a five-year hibernation while processing the complex emotions of life. Nanook lives at both poles and regularly visits everywhere in-between. Oddly for a bear with an Instagram account, Nanook would rather be hidden in a cave than displayed for everyone to view. The only reason for agreeing to take part in this book is to help others who are dealing with stressful situations in their mental health. Nanook took a lot of convincing to get involved. Nanook isn't here to pretend everything is OK and that this bear is doing any better than anyone else in life, Nanook just wants to show that its OK to not be OK.
‘Drawing out the hidden truth of mental health experience.’
- Dr J Gill
‘This wonderfully honest, thought provoking book is a credit to James.
Written through the eyes of Nanook the Bipolarbear, James is able to articulate the difficult thoughts and feelings that can lead to the temptation of isolating one’s self from society and the stigma attached to ill mental health.
A must read for those who are unable to find words and a must for those who are trying to understand.’
- Julie Mattinson (director of mental health charity IPSUM)
‘James Osborn; Artist, Musician, creator and the life behind Nanook The Bipolarbear. Truly Inspirational.’
- Scott Cowley (AKA Rusty Goat. Poet)
Book Cover Design by James Osborn
Book Cover Design: Jason Conway - thedaydreamacademy.com
James Osborn is an Illustrator, Musician, and Tea Enthusiast, with very little understanding of how to put a book together. The 30-year-old artist has been drawing Nanook since the 5th year of his 3-year university degree. James was diagnosed with bipolar on the 29th of October 2014 and this transformed his understanding of who he is. Soon after, in his final year of university, he created Nanook. Having taken a break James resurrected the character after his excellent friend, Phil of Shrivenham, reminded him about the bear in May 2019. Once Nanook was out of hibernation the project progressed very quickly and with support from friends, family and charities he ended up exhibiting work and creating this book.