Art Work
Mrs Morris (Sophie Predgen-Lay, July 2001)
Mrs Morris is my teacher,
She’s so high I can hardly reach her,
It’s not that she is very tall,
It’s just that I am very small.
When Children Rule The World…. (Sophie Predgen-Lay, November 2004)
When Children rule the world….
It would be….
Hip Hooray time
Wakey up time
Makey up time
Snack time
Never smack time
Scrape your knee time
Always free time
I spy time
With my little eye time
Bags of fudge time
Let’s never judge time
Playing with the hose time
Tickling your toes time
Splashing in puddles time
Let’s have a cuddle time
Dressing up time
Messing with mums make up time
War will cease time
Always peacetime
Their time
Our time
My time
My Box
(Sophie Predgen-Lay, June 2007
I will put in my box…
A curling cobra from cold climates,
A forest fire flickering in the night,
And the warm wool of a western sheep.
I will put in my box…
A fire-breathing dragon from far off lands,
A shimmering river running throughout the mountains,
And a snowflake falling from Heaven.
I will put in my box…
A secret wish written in baby speak,
The first mew of a kitten,
And the last survivor of a shipwreck.
I will put in my box…
The glow of Hawaiian fairies dancing in the night,
The noise of pop music coming from a mouse hole,
And the green sky that hangs over the world.
My box is fashioned out of glowing crystals studded with silver,
An emerald base,
And satin lining.
I can hide in my box
From all the terrors and troubles of the world,
From wars that will break the strongest hearts,
I will be safe in the quiet corners of my box.
Me (Peter) and Sophie singing at the Chestnut Inn, Worcester, August 2014
Sophie singing, unaccompanied, at the Chestnut Inn, Worcester, August 2014
Sophie singing, unaccompanied, at the Chestnut Inn, Worcester, August 2014