We are currently not open for new submissions.
Our previous submissions window, for poetry collections, 15th~31st January 2024, for consideration for publication in 2025, is now closed.
Questions about submissions, in the first instance, should be sent to: blackeyespublishinguk@yahoo.com
Thank you.
Please note: Most submissions, despite what you may think, are not ready for publication.
We may decline your submission, this is not commenting on its quality, it’s just not for us.
We may make some suggestions for you to work on before re-submitting for consideration, either to us or to another publisher. before re-submitting for consideration, either to us or to another publisher.
We like your submission, but we may suggest some online editing sessions with Josephine Lay (We do charge for this service), before re-submitting for consideration, either to us or to another publisher. On this basis, you can re-submit to us outside of a submission window.
We like your submission and offer you a contract.
Please note: All submissions should be in the form of a Word document, You can also send your submission as a .pdf, however we would need it in a Word.doc should we decide to proceed to publication. Send by email to, blackeyespublishinguk@yahoo.com