Morgan Rye - Publications

Snowball Earth - Quinn was published 20th June 2023


Snowball Earth - Quinn tells of a world divided by two opposing social frameworks. Within one of these frameworks “the village” is revived to explore the impact of being different in an environment where class and social bias do not exist. From moments of humour to sobering and emotive occurrences, Quinn’s last steps to adulthood show how we never truly know ourselves until under pressure, when one decision can forever change how we see ourselves.

Witches, Crones, a secret battalion and snowboarding Pagans all play a part in Quinn’s journey. This book wraps elements of realism inside a futuristic social fantasy.

The opening novel of the futuristic, dystopian, Snowball Earth trilogy.

“A stunning debut novel. I didn’t want to put it down, neither did I wish to reach the conclusion, and close the book on characters I had connected with so completely throughout the story. The book, and those within its pages, will remain in readers’ thoughts long after they reach the end.”

-          Emma Lord.


Snowball Earth – Quinn, coming in 2023, is the opening novel of the futuristic, dystopian, Snowball Earth trilogy.

Book Cover Art and Design, Morgan Rye

Book Cover Photography, Emma Lord.

Book Cover Graphics, Jason Conway,


All ‘Black Eyes’ books are available via all Amazon platforms, Worldwide, as well as, to order, from bookshops and other booksellers, Worldwide, via the major wholesalers.

Morgan Rye - Biography


Writing allows me to be candid, brutal, vulnerable, explore aspects of myself as well as the people I know, and knew. In shaping the characters for Snowball Earth – Quinn, I would sit inside their heads to feel what they felt, and began to know them until they felt real. Alongside their development, the world in which they live became increasingly complex. This, for me, is the most exciting part. Dreams become threads and plots. Immersion becomes a fever.

I explored poetry, something I had not attempted since my teens and early adulthood. If you ever feel like the wrong tile in a jigsaw, join a poetry group because there you will meet people who feel the fear and do it anyway. I thank everyone whose hands shook while reading aloud, when sharing their experiences and innermost thoughts. Through their bravery I found my own.

Examples of Morgan’s poetry can be found in The Trawler 2020-22, and online magazine Steel Jackdaw. She describes her art as primarily inspired by herstorical imagery and nature. Rejected from art school, she continued to self-teach and has exhibited in galleries and art events across the southwest of England. Her preferred medium is acrylic on reclaimed canvass.

Morgan lives in Wiltshire with an angry cat.


Morgan’s Art Gallery