'Ever Since The Accident' by Nick Lovell - Published October 2019

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'Ever Since The Accident' by Nick Lovell - Published October 2019


Jemima Hughes - Whether speaking personally or politically, of despair or determination, the passion he exudes on stage is undeniable. Nick translates this to the page whilst keeping his humour unapologetic and with a vulnerability which had me hooked the first time I experienced his words.


Melanie Branton - Nick Lovell’s poems are born of hard-lived experience and are part street-smart spoken word sass, part existential howl. Brave and candid, taking no prisoners in his raging against social injustice, exploitation and bone-headed stupidity, Lovell writes with urgency and passion. Yet there’s also a playfulness with sound, an impish inventiveness, a cynical wit, and a gentle compassion for those handed a raw deal by life. Whether drawing on personal trauma or skewering the horrors of modern life, he makes the reader sit up and listen.


Angie Belcher - Every poem of Nicks oozes with the salty sting of modern life. Moving but honest and with just a touch of hope. Best read after a traumatic day at work.

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